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FLiP Tour

During our guided interactive tours, visitors acquire financial knowledge and learn about the importance of finances for personal life planning in a fun and interactive way.
FLiP Metaball
FLiP Metaball

Financial education
from the age of 10

The topic of money and finances has different meanings in the lives of children, young people and adults. This is why FLiP offers three different tours that are adapted to the needs of the respective target groups.

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4th to 8th grade (ages 10 to 14)

At the beginning of this tour, the pupils immerse themselves in the adult world. They find out why money exists and how they would spend and save it. Simple examples from the world of economics help pupils to understand interconnections.

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9th to 12th grade (ages 15 to 18)

Explorers already have prior knowledge. At the start of the tour, they take on the role of a 19-year-old and have to deal with everyday financial decisions. Visitors learn that their wishes can often only be realized with the right financial decisions.

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Experts already have a certain level of financial knowledge. At the beginning of the tour, they are assigned the role of an adult. Different living situations – either being single, living with a partner or having a family with children – highlight the diversity in our society and the importance of different approaches in budget planning.

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The FLiP Tour is a “learning trail” made up of individual modules that visitors complete.
The way the learning stations are combined depends on the specific requirements for a tour as well as on the topics discussed.

Each group is accompanied by one or two FLiP educators, depending on the size of the group.
Maximum group size: 32.

Admission and guided tours are free of charge.

Opening hours
Monday – Friday            9:00 am – 17:00 pm


Money Boxes

In the entrance area, visitors can take a close look at a selection of historical money boxes from the Erste Bank collection. Short texts and quotes from famous people inform visitors about the history of saving and the subject of money.


The FLiP tour starts with an introduction to the topic of money. What is the role of money in our society, how does it affect our individual lives? Why does it make sense to take an interest in money matters? The visitors receive their Wallets – specially configured tablet computers that are used to navigate and enter data. Before the tour starts properly, the visitors are asked to answer five questions on their Wallets.


Challenges at this station vary with the age of the visitor group. Detectives think about the monthly expenses of adults, while explorers and experts are invited to take on different roles. In their respective roles, the visitors are given a fictional budget and asked to allocate the money to the seven major expense categories. In the evaluation stage, statistical data are used to see how realistically the participants planned their budgets.

Reality Check

The visitors are split into three small groups and play a game of financial and budgeting challenges. The challenges are shown on the athletes’ Wallets and have to be mastered by the team. Correct questions to answers make it easier to ride the stationary bike. Greater financial independence thus leads to a direct physical sensation for the athletes. For explorers and experts, the game also includes a number of long-term financial decisions that are made at the Reality Check station, with consequences that emerge as the game progresses.


In a room furnished with the interior of an authentic former bank vault, the visitors are confronted with the question of how much value attaches to an object. They split up into small groups to explore the safe deposit boxes in the context of a card game. In the game, they are asked to determine the value of different items, taking into account price, utility value and emotional significance. It quickly becomes clear that price is not the same as value and that different values may be attached to an object.

Opinion Forum

The Opinion Forum demonstrates how important it is to develop well-founded positions on financial and economic issues. The visitors are first asked an apparently simple question. Then clips from street interviews are shown, and an expert discusses different views on the issue. The visitors can continue the discussion, formulating and arguing their own positions. The point is not to get it right (or wrong), but to show how important it is to build up a solid information base before forming an opinion.

Getting Global

The life story of a product is shown on a globe-like arrangement of monitors. As the group walks around the globe, following the product, the visitors learn about international connections, interdependence and other economic factors. They realise that their actions and decisions affect people in other parts of our globalised world. The story starts with short film sequences. The visitors are asked to answer questions, and the story continues according to their answers. A second trip around the globe illustrates how the group’s individual decisions affect six people in different parts of the world.


The wrap-up at the end of the tour gives visitors the chance to discuss any open questions. The educators summarize the content, interpret the results and moderate the discussion.

Knowledge Store

The knowledge store is our backbone at FLiP in terms of content: Here, the topics covered during the tour can be explored in greater depth. Both the exhibits and the colourful dots in the knowledge store can be scanned with a wallet for more information.

Knowledge Transfer

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Our educators guide the groups through FLiP. As the driving force behind the action, they pull the red thread through the sequence of stations, handle the necessary technical equipment, activate the necessary elements, explain the process and summarize the results of the “learning trail”.

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A the beginning of the tour, each member of the group receives a tablet, the so-called Wallet. Throughout the tour, visitors will need it to solve tasks at the learning stations. The Wallet connects the visitors with the FLiP and the educators in a unique way.

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Learning Stations

At the beginning of each tour, the focus lies on the individual and their personal financial life. As the tour progresses, the perspective expands and finally ends with a critical look at the global economy.

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FLiP attaches great importance to being accessible to everyone, which is why we offer various services for visitors with disabilities.

All areas are wheelchair-accessible and can be reached via an elevator. We also cater to our different target groups by offering larger wallets, a high contrast mode, and mobile hearing loops.

Plan your visit

Step 1

Online registration is essential for school classes and groups due to high demand.

Step 2

Although it is not necessary for students to have any prior knowledge, they do need to be able to read and have basic mathematical skills. Extensive material is available on our website for preparation and follow-up in class.

Step 3

Please make sure to allow for some extra time when you plan your visit and the two-hour tour at FLiP. We kindly ask you to arrive on time with your group.

Step 4

If you are unable to keep the appointment you booked, please let us know a week in advance if possible.

Step 5

Does your class or group have special needs? Please let us know in our online registration form what kind of assistance you need. That way our educators can assist you in the best possible way.

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House rules

We look forward to welcoming you to FLiP. We want to make sure that all visitors have an exciting and memorable experience. Therefore, certain rules apply for your own safety.


  • Schirme, Rucksäcke und größere Taschen sind in der Garderobe abzugeben bzw. einzuschließen. Roller und Skateboards müssen ebenso im Garderobenbereich abgestellt werden. Das Ausziehen der Schuhe ist nicht notwendig. Für in der Garderobe hinterlegte Wertgegenstände übernimmt das FLiP keine Haftung.

  • Gegenstände, die im FLiP gefunden werden, sind bei den Wissensvermittler:innen abzugeben. Nicht abgeholte Gegenstände werden dem Fundamt übergeben.

  • Das Wallet, der persönliche Begleiter durch das FLiP, ist achtsam zu behandeln und am Ende des Besuchs ohne Ausnahme abzugeben.
  • Im gesamten Ausstellungsbereich des FLiP ist das Essen nicht gestattet. Einzig im Rahmen von mehrstündigen Workshops oder Seminaren im FLiP Lab darf gegessen werden.

  • Das Rauchen ist im gesamten FLiP streng untersagt.
  • Zur Entsorgung von Abfällen und Kaugummis sind ausschließlich Mistkübel zu benutzen.
  • Abgesehen von Assistenzhunden sind Tiere im FLiP nicht willkommen.
  • Mobiltelefone dürfen während einer Tour nur in Ausnahmefällen verwendet werden.
  • Der Zutritt ins FLiP ist mit Waffen und/oder gefährlichen Gegenständen streng verboten. Ausnahmen gelten für Exekutivbeamt:innen sowie für Personengruppen, die aus beruflichen Gründen Waffen tragen.

  • Besucher:innen unter Einfluss von Alkohol oder eines anderen Rauschmittels sind im FLiP nicht erwünscht. 
  • Während des gesamten Besuchs liegt die Aufsichtspflicht über Kinder bzw. Schüler:innen bei PädagogInnen, Aufsichts- und Erziehungsberechtigen. Auch für angemessenes Verhalten sind Pädagog:innen, Aufsichts- und Erziehungsberechtige verantwortlich.
  • Den Anordnungen der FLiP Wissensvermittler:innen ist ausnahmslos Folge zu leisten.
  • Lärmendes, aggressives oder ausfallendes Verhalten gegen andere Besucher:innen und Vermittler:innen ist nicht erlaubt.

  • Die Beachtung der Hausordnung liegt im eigenen Interesse. Sollten die Hausordnung oder die Anweisungen der FLiP
    Wissensvermittler:innen nicht befolgt werden, kann den betreffenden Personen der Aufenthalt im FLiP untersagt und im Extremfall ein Hausverbot erteilt werden.

    Wir bitten 15 Minuten vor Tourbeginn einzutreffen.

Rules of the game

  • Umbrellas, rucksacks and larger bags must be left or locked in the checkroom. Scooters and skateboards must also be left in the checkroom area. It is not necessary to take off your shoes. The FLiP accepts no liability for valuables left in the checkroom.

  • Items found in the FLiP must be handed in to the knowledge mediators. Unclaimed items will be handed over to the lost property office.

  • The wallet, the personal companion through the FLiP, must be handled with care and handed in at the end of the visit without exception.
  • Eating is not permitted anywhere in the FLiP exhibition area. Eating is only permitted during workshops or seminars lasting several hours in the FLiP Lab.

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the FLiP.
  • Only garbage bins are to be used for the disposal of waste and chewing gum.
  • Apart from assistance dogs, animals are not welcome at FLiP.
  • Cell phones may only be used during a tour in exceptional cases.
  • It is strictly forbidden to enter the FLiP with weapons and/or dangerous objects. Exceptions apply to law enforcement officers and groups of people who carry weapons for professional reasons.

  • Visitors under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants are not permitted in the FLiP.
  • During the entire visit, the duty to supervise children and pupils lies with teachers, supervisors and legal guardians. Teachers, supervisors and legal guardians are also responsible for appropriate behavior.
  • The instructions of the FLiP knowledge brokers must be followed without exception.
  • Noisy, aggressive or abusive behavior towards other visitors and mediators is not permitted.

  • It is in your own interest to observe the house rules. If the house rules or the instructions of the FLiP
    knowledge brokers are not followed, the persons concerned may be prohibited from staying at the FLiP and, in extreme cases, banned from the premises.

    Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the tour.

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