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About us

Let’s take a look behind the scenes: Find out who we are, what our mission is, what DNA we carry within us, and why we even exist.
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FLiP Metaball
FLiP Metaball
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Our mission

FLiP (Erste Financial Life Park) explains economic and financial topics, imparts practical knowledge, and teaches important skills. Visitors learn about international connections and interdependence. The focus lies on individuals and their financial lives. The aim is to offer value-free and inclusive activities – all of which are free of charge. Furthermore, the activities were designed according to the latest findings in teaching methodology and adapted to the needs of the target groups.
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Our identity

Lack of financial knowledge has an impact on people’s social and economic life. We encourage children, young people and adults to take an interest in economic matters while promoting financial responsibility.

We are transparent, open-minded, and aim to answer all questions in a simple and comprehensible way to reach all our visitors equally, regardless of their age or educational background.

FLiP GmbH is a non-profit organization and belongs to Erste Social Finance Holding GmbH. 51 percent is owned by ERSTE Foundation, and 49 percent by Erste Group Bank AG.

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FLiP Team

Johannes Brodnig

Financial Officer

Hans W. Grohs


Daniel Karagic


Sabine Kreuzer

Business Operations Manager

Sylvia Liebeswar


Philip List

Managing Director

Helga Lubich


Annunziata Magis

Expansion Manager

Christof Moro


Sonja Müllner


Semra Pamuk


Thomas Reich


Tatjana Schmidt


Jana Schögl

Advocacy Fundraising

Christina Stainthorpe

Content Development

Barbara Strachwitz

Content Development

Nina von Gayl


International Advisory Board

To ensure objectivity and independence from Erste Group, the contents at FLiP were reviewed and approved by an international scientific advisory board.

Christoph Badelt

Head of Advisory Board - Institut für Sozialpolitik, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und Präsident des Fiskalrates

Hans Grohs

Experte Soziales und Schuldenberatung

Sue Lewis

OECD für finanzielle Bildung, britischer Konsumentenschutzverband für finanzielle Produkte und Dienstleistungen

Gyöngyi Lóránth

Finanzprofessorin - Universität Wien

Johanna Mair

Wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklungen

Leonore Riitsalu

Financial Well-Being und Verhaltensökonomie

Youth Council

The Youth Advisory Board helps us develop new content together with the Scientific Advisory Board. It is important to us to listen to young people and their concerns, and to implement their suggestions.


FLiP has received several awards for its work in the field of financial education!


The FLiP Challenges in the FLiP app have been certified multiple times.

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